The opening of the MBKM program will soon be carried out by the Banjarmasin Hall and Lambung Mangkurat University in the Karang Indah Village Pilot Village. In this case, Balai Banjarmasin and Lambung Mangkurat University made preparations in technical and non-technical terms so that on the day of the implementation it went well. As for this ceremonial activity, dozens of students will be released from several faculties at Lambung Mangkurat University. The implementation will be attended by the Regent of Barito Kuala, the Head of BPSDM, the Chancellor of Lambung Mangkurat University and the Heads of Halls throughout Indonesia. This activity is the first step of the Collective Labor Agreement between BPSDM Kemendesa PDTT and Lambung Mangkurat University in running the MBKM Program with Balai Banjarmasin as the implementing unit.

